Class: InfiniteScrollComponent


new tart.ui.InfiniteScrollComponent(opt_el)

InfiniteScrollComponent is a small component which checks the scroll position of a given DOM element, and if it's in an appropriate position, fires a LOAD event for the parent component to act upon. When the parent component is done loading new items, it should reset this InfiniteScrollComponent with the reset() method.

Name Type Description
opt_el Element optional

Optional element to track its scroll.




Message to show when no more items are available to load.


inherited protectedbindModelEvents()

Listens to the model's events. This method should be overriden by the implementer, and should keep the model's event listeners.

inherited getChild(selector){Object}

Returns children of component's element

Name Type Description
selector string

Expression which is searching in component element. This is kind of $ for selecting dom element.

Type Description

inherited getElement(){Element}

Returns the dom element attached with the Component instance.

Type Description

Returns the id of this component.

Type Description
string The id of this component.

inherited getPlaceholder(){string}

Returns base template of component

Type Description

Registers an element to track its scroll. This can be used for lazily introducing an element to track.

Name Type Description
el Node

Element to track.

inherited render(opt_base, opt_index)

This method should be called after the DlgComponent is inserted into the document. Any work (rendering child components, updating DOM, etc.) should be done in this method.

Name Type Description
opt_base Element optional

Optional element to render this item into.

opt_index number optional

Place to render element in base element's children list.

Resets the component state to default. This should be used to signal the end of loading so that this component can again check for loading.

Shows end of list message if no more items are available.

Shows spinner during load.

inherited templates_base(){string}

Template of the root element. This method can be overridden if necessary. Other templates should be named with the templates_ prefix as necessary. Also this template carries related component's id.

Type Description