Source: mvc/uri/Router.js

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 * @fileoverview URI Router class that takes a given URI and resolves the necessary controller / action.


 * Router class that is responsible for routing the incoming request to appropriate controller and actions
 * with appropriate parameters.
 * The application routes are added to the Router instance and every time the URI
 * changes, it routes the request to the appropriate controller/action.
 * @param {string} basePath The URI to parse.
 * @param {tart.mvc.uri.Route} defaultRoute Default URI route that is used as fallback when no appropriate
 * controller/action is found.
 * @param {tart.mvc.Renderer} renderer Renderer instance to actually execute the routing and draw the layout and view.
 * @param {tart.mvc.uri.Router.RedirectionType=} redirectionType How the redirection will affect the url. By default, all
 * redirections change the url.
 * @constructor
tart.mvc.uri.Router = function(basePath, defaultRoute, renderer, redirectionType) {

     * @type {Array.<tart.mvc.uri.Route>}
     * @private
    this.routes_ = [];
    this.defaultRoute = defaultRoute;
    this.renderer_ = renderer;
    this.redirectionType = redirectionType || tart.mvc.uri.Router.RedirectionType.CLASSICAL;

 * Constant values for redirection types.
 * CLASSICAL makes all redirections with the url changing and reflecting the new path.
 * SILENT_ALL makes all redirections without the url changing.
 * SILENT_ONLY_DEFAULT makes only the error redirections silent. All the other ones are CLASSICAL.
 * @enum
tart.mvc.uri.Router.RedirectionType = {
    SILENT_ALL: 1,
    SILENT: 3

 * Responsible for routing the incoming request to appropriate controller and actions with appropriate parameters.
 * The application routes are added to the uri.Router instance.
 * @param {string=} uri The URI to parse.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.route = function(uri) {
    var route;

    try {
        this.request = new tart.mvc.uri.Request(uri || window.location, this);
        route = this.resolve_(this.request);
    catch (e) {


 * Redirects to a given route with given parameters.
 * @param {tart.mvc.uri.Route|string} route The name of the route the redirection will be made to.
 * This method will first search for the given route and may throw a tart.Err if the requested route is undefined.
 * @param {Object.<string, *>=} params The object that contains parameters to be sent to the route. Make sure that
 * the parameters fully match the route's requirements, otherwise a tart.Err may be thrown.
 * @param {tart.mvc.uri.Router.RedirectionType=} redirectionType How the redirection will affect the url.
 * @return {tart.mvc.uri.Redirection} Explicitly make known that this is a redirection, so that the redirector stops
 * execution after this action.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.redirectToRoute = function(route, params, redirectionType) {
    var url,
        customParamArray = [],
        requestParams = {},
        silentRedirect = false;

    if (params && goog.typeOf(params) == 'object')
        requestParams = params;

    paramsLength = goog.object.getCount(requestParams);

    if (route instanceof tart.mvc.uri.Route)
        route =;
    try {
        route = this.getRoute(route);
    catch (e) {
        throw e;

    if (( redirectionType && redirectionType != tart.mvc.uri.Router.RedirectionType.CLASSICAL) ||
        redirectionType == tart.mvc.uri.Router.RedirectionType.SILENT ||
        this.redirectionType == tart.mvc.uri.Router.RedirectionType.SILENT_ALL ||
        (this.redirectionType == tart.mvc.uri.Router.RedirectionType.SILENT_ONLY_DEFAULT &&
             route == this.getDefaultRoute())) {
        silentRedirect = true;

    // we'll construct the url in this variable and we start with the given template of a route.
    url = route.templateFormat;
    routeContainsCustomParams = url.indexOf('*') > -1;

    // find required parameters with ":paramName" notation.
    routeParams = url.match(/:\w+/g);

    if (routeParams) {
        // validParams is true whenever each and every one of those required parameters are present in params array.
        validParams = goog.array.every(routeParams, function(routeParam) {
            return routeParam.substr(1) in requestParams;

        // check number of parameters match.
        if (!routeContainsCustomParams && paramsLength != routeParams.length ||
                routeContainsCustomParams && paramsLength <= routeParams.length)
            validParams = false;

        // if parameters do not match the route's requirements; throw an error.
        if (!validParams)
            throw new tart.Err('Given parameters do not match the required parameters of the route', 'Routing Error');

        // replace route parameters with their equivalents in params object.
        goog.array.forEach(routeParams, function(routeParam) {
            routeParam = routeParam.substr(1);
            url = url.replace(':' + routeParam, requestParams[routeParam]);
            delete requestParams[routeParam];

        // convert all remaining custom parameters to an array for easier addition to url.
        if (routeContainsCustomParams)
            for (var key in requestParams)
                customParamArray.push(key, requestParams[key]);

    // construct the final url by replacing custom parameter placeholder with custom parameters
    url = this.getBasePath() + '#!/' + url.replace('*', customParamArray.join('/'));

    if (silentRedirect)
        // route the request but don't change the url.
    else // set the url. Since the application listens url changes; it will trigger the correct redirection
        window.location = url;

    // since this is a redirection; return a proof that it really is; so that a renderer knows a redirection took place
    // and doesn't go on executing the previous action / view scripts' remaining tasks.

    if (!this.redirectionReturnValue)
        this.redirectionReturnValue = new tart.mvc.uri.Redirection();

    return this.redirectionReturnValue;

 * Redirects to a given controller and action with given parameters. This method is a convenience method for
 * redirectToRoute in that one may use without hard-coding the name of the route. Keep in mind that there still
 * needs to be an actual route that will resolve to the given controller and action.
 * @param {tart.mvc.ControllerTemplate} controller The controller child class that the redirection will resolve to.
 * @param {tart.mvc.ActionTemplate} action The action that the redirection will reeolve to.
 * @param {Object.<string, *>=} params The object that contains parameters to be sent to the route. Make sure that
 * the parameters fully match the route's requirements, otherwise a tart.Err may be thrown.
 * @param {tart.mvc.uri.Router.RedirectionType=} redirectionType How the redirection will affect the url.
 * @return {tart.mvc.uri.Redirection} Explicitly make known that this is a redirection, so that the redirector stops
 * execution after this action.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.redirectToAction = function(controller, action, params, redirectionType) {
    var route = goog.array.find(this.getRoutes(), function(route) {
        return route.controller = controller && route.action == action;

    return this.redirectToRoute(, params, redirectionType);

 * Set base path
 * @param {string} path uri base path.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.setBasePath = function(path) {
    this.basePath = path || '/';

 * Return uri base path
 * @return {string} uri base path.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.getBasePath = function() {
    return this.basePath;

 * Resolves routes.
 * If the request matches any route, this function resolves it. Or else, it will throw a tart.Err.
 * @private
 * @param {tart.mvc.uri.Request} request Request to look for a route match.
 * @return {?tart.mvc.uri.Route} Resolved route that holds the details of handling the request. Note that this
 * function never returns null; this is a Google Closure Compiler fix.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.resolve_ = function(request) {
    var response, route, responseValue, responseArray, that = this;

    // Find a matching route in our routes list
    route = goog.array.find(this.routes_, function(/** tart.mvc.uri.Route */ route) {
        if (response = request.path.match(route.format)) { // response holds the parameters if the format matches
            var fragments = [];

            for (var i = 0; i < response.length - 1; i++) {
                responseValue = response[i + 1]; // the first item will be the full uri so skip it.
                responseArray = responseValue.split('/');
                 if the parameter contains a slash, this means a wildchar was used; so we have to turn each of them
                 into real parameters.
                if (responseArray.length > 1) {
                    that.fixOddParams_(responseArray); // there can be an odd number of parameters so let's fix them
                    fragments = fragments.concat(responseArray);
                 no slashes, this is a valid parameter, so we should add it (responseValue)
                 with its respective owner that was given as :name (route.params[i])
                    fragments.push(route.params[i], responseValue);
            request.params = fragments;
            return true;
        return false;
    if (!route)
        throw new tart.Err('The request cannot be resolved to a route.', 'Routing Error');

    if (route instanceof tart.mvc.uri.Route) // workaround for casting goog.array.find return type to route.
        return route;
    return null;

 * This function sets the current route and the related controllers, actions and parameters.
 * @private
 * @param {tart.mvc.uri.Request} request Request to be processed.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.process_ = function(request) {
    var route = this.getCurrentRoute();

 * Sets a URL route as the current route.
 * @param {tart.mvc.uri.Route} route Route to set as the current one.
 * @private
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.setCurrentRoute_ = function(route) {
    this.currentRoute_ = route;

 * @return {tart.mvc.uri.Route} the active URI route.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.getCurrentRoute = function() {
    return this.currentRoute_;

 * Sets custom query parameter.
 * @param {?string} customQuery Retrieved key and parameter pair from uri followed by ? to set as customQuery.
 * @private
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.setCustomQuery_ = function(customQuery) {
    this.customQuery_ = customQuery;

 * Returns custom query parameter.
 * @return {?string} customQuery Retrieved key and parameter pair from uri.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.getCustomQuery = function() {
    return this.customQuery_;

 * Sets the current controller required by the request. If there are no such controllers, default controller is set.
 * @private
 * @param {tart.mvc.ControllerTemplate} controller Controller present on the route.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.setController_ = function(controller) {
    this.controller_ = controller;

 * Sets the current action required by the request. If there are no such actions, default action is set.
 * @private
 * @param {tart.mvc.ActionTemplate} action Action present on the route.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.setAction_ = function(action) {
    this.action_ = action;

 * Sets the parameters. Notice that if there are odd number of parameters, an empty value is added to the end of
 * the array for convenient operation of sending only the keys (where values are unimportant to the backend)
 * @private
 * @param {Array.<string>} paramsArray Array of parameters.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.setParams_ = function(paramsArray) {
    var params = {};

    if (this.getCurrentRoute() == this.getDefaultRoute()) {
        this.params_ = {};

    if (paramsArray && paramsArray.length > 0) {
        params = goog.object.create(paramsArray);

    this.params_ = params;

 * This little function fixes parameters in case there are odd number of elements so that it's impossible to construct
 * a valid key value pair. It adds an empty item at the end; making the last item a key with empty value. This is
 * quite handy when you only want the key present and no value is necessary.
 * @param {Array} params Request parameters.
 * @private
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.fixOddParams_ = function(params) {
    if (params.length % 2 == 1)

 * Returns the active controller.
 * @return {(function (new:tart.mvc.Controller))} Active controller.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.getController = function() {
    return this.controller_;

 * Returns the active action.
 * @return {Function} Active action.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.getAction = function() {
    return this.action_;

 * @return {Object} The active parameters.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.getParams = function() {
    return this.params_;

 * Adds a route to the router.
 * @param {tart.mvc.uri.Route} route Route to be added.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.addRoute = function(route) {

 * @return {Array.<tart.mvc.uri.Route>} The array of routes in this router.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.getRoutes = function() {
    return this.routes_;

 * Returns a route with a given name. If no matching route is found, this method throws a tart.Err.
 * @param {string} name Route name to look up.
 * @return {?tart.mvc.uri.Route} Route with the given name. Note that this function never returns null; this is a
 * Google Closure Compiler fix.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.getRoute = function(name) {
    var route = goog.array.find(this.getRoutes(), function(route) {
        return == name;
    if (!route)
        throw new tart.Err('Route name "' + name + '" cannot be found', 'Routing Error');

    if (route instanceof tart.mvc.uri.Route) // workaround for casting goog.array.find return type to route.
        return route;
    return null;

 * Returns the default route associated with this router.
 * @return {tart.mvc.uri.Route} Default route.
tart.mvc.uri.Router.prototype.getDefaultRoute = function() {
    return this.defaultRoute;