// Copyright 2011 Tart. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* @fileoverview tart.Pagination is an event driven Pagination object.
* Example usage:
* var paginator = new tart.Pagination();
* paginator.setTotalPage(5);
* paginator.setCurrentPage(2);
* goog.events.listen(paginator, tart.Pagination.EventTypes.PAGE_CHANGED, function (e) {
* console.log("page changed");
* console.log("old page : " + e.oldValue);
* console.log("new page : " + e.newValue);
* });
* paginator.setCurrentPage(4); // oldPage : 2, newPage : 4
* paginator.setCurrentPage(7); // oldPage : 4, newpage : 5 (totalPage)
* paginator.prev(); // oldPage : 5, newPage: 4
* paginator.setCurrentPage(0); // oldPage : 4, newpage : 1 (at least 1)
* paginator.next(); // oldPage : 1, newPage : 2
* Pagination class to handle all paging events
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.events.EventTarget}
tart.Pagination = function() {
/** @private */
this.totalPage_ = 1;
/** @protected */
this.currentPage = 1;
/** @private */
this.itemPerPage_ = 1;
/** @private */
this.totalItems_ = 1;
goog.inherits(tart.Pagination, goog.events.EventTarget);
* Event types enumaration
* @enum {string}
tart.Pagination.EventTypes = {
PAGE_CHANGED: 'pageChanged'
* Trigger page change event
* @param {string|number} oldValue old page value.
* @param {string|number} newValue new page value.
* @protected
tart.Pagination.prototype.triggerPageChange_ = function(oldValue, newValue) {
if (oldValue != newValue)
this.dispatchEvent({type: tart.Pagination.EventTypes.PAGE_CHANGED, oldValue: oldValue, newValue: newValue});
* Get total page count
* @return {number} page count.
tart.Pagination.prototype.getTotalPage = function() {
return this.totalPage_;
* Set total page count
* @param {number} page page count.
* @return {tart.Pagination} .
tart.Pagination.prototype.setTotalPage = function(page) {
this.totalPage_ = page;
this.totalItems_ = page * this.itemPerPage_;
return this;
* Get current page
* @return {number} current page.
tart.Pagination.prototype.getCurrentPage = function() {
return this.currentPage;
* Set current page
* @param {number} page current page.
* @return {tart.Pagination} .
tart.Pagination.prototype.setCurrentPage = function(page) {
var oldValue = this.currentPage;
//if page > totalPage
page = (page > this.totalPage_) ? this.totalPage_ : page;
//if page < 1
page = (page < 1) ? 1 : page;
this.currentPage = page;
this.triggerPageChange_(oldValue, page);
return this;
* Get total item count
* @return {number} number of items.
tart.Pagination.prototype.getTotalItems = function() {
return this.totalItems_;
* Set number of items
* @param {number} itemCount number of items.
* @return {tart.Pagination} .
tart.Pagination.prototype.setTotalItems = function(itemCount) {
this.totalItems_ = itemCount;
this.totalPage_ = Math.ceil(itemCount / this.itemPerPage_);
return this;
* Get number of items to be listed in a page
* @return {number} number of items in a page.
tart.Pagination.prototype.getItemPerPage = function() {
return this.itemPerPage_;
* set number of items to be listed in a page
* @param {number} itemPerPage number of items in a page.
* @return {tart.Pagination} .
tart.Pagination.prototype.setItemPerPage = function(itemPerPage) {
this.itemPerPage_ = itemPerPage;
return this;
* Determine if next page is available
* @return {boolean} is next page available.
tart.Pagination.prototype.hasNext = function() {
return this.currentPage + 1 <= this.totalPage_;
* Get next page
* @return {number} next page number.
tart.Pagination.prototype.getNext = function() {
return this.hasNext() ? this.currentPage + 1 : this.currentPage;
* Determine if previous page is available
* @return {boolean} is previous page available.
tart.Pagination.prototype.hasPrev = function() {
return this.currentPage - 1 >= 1;
* Get previous page
* @return {number} previous page number.
tart.Pagination.prototype.getPrev = function() {
return this.hasPrev() ? this.currentPage - 1 : this.currentPage;
* Change page to next page
tart.Pagination.prototype.next = function() {
var oldValue = this.currentPage;
this.currentPage = this.getNext();
this.triggerPageChange_(oldValue, this.currentPage);
* Change page to previous page
tart.Pagination.prototype.prev = function() {
var oldValue = this.currentPage;
this.currentPage = this.getPrev();
this.triggerPageChange_(oldValue, this.currentPage);