// Copyright 2011 Tart. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* @fileoverview tart.FormValidator is a form validation library which uses tart.Validation instance as validator.
* Example usage:
* var form = $("form");
* var validationForSubmit = function (errors) {
* //do some stuff with 'errors' object
* };
* var validationForBlur = function (errors) {
* //do some stuff with 'errors' object
* };
* tart.FormValidator(form).validateOnSubmit(validationForSubmit);
* tart.FormValidator(form).validateOnBlur(validateOnBlur);
* More examples can be seen from spec/FormValidationSpec.js file
* Attach validator to formEl
* @param {Object} formEl jQuery element for selected form.
* @constructor
* @return {tart.FormValidator} .
tart.FormValidator = function(formEl) {
//TODO: this is tightly coupled to tart.Validation
/* @protected */
this.validator = tart.Validation;
/* @protected */
this.form = formEl;
/* @protected */
this.errors = [];
return this;
* Set validation rules to attached form
* @param {Object} rules given rules in object literal notation.
* @return {tart.FormValidator} .
* @this {tart.FormValidator} .
tart.FormValidator.prototype.setRules = function(rules) {
this.rules = rules;
return this;
* Find element with elementName in given form object
* @param {string} elementName name of element which to be find in form.
* @return {Object} jQuery object for given element.
tart.FormValidator.prototype.getFormElementByName = function(elementName) {
var el = this.form.find('input[name=' + elementName + ']');
return el;
* Find related element attribute for given input type
* @param {Object} el jQuery object of element.
* @return {string} elements value for related input type.
tart.FormValidator.prototype.getElementAttributeToCheck = function(el) {
//TODO: this can vary on elements type such has "attr"
return el.val();
* Rule key for tart.Validation
* @param {string} ruleKey key of rule.
* @return {Function} elements value for related input type.
tart.FormValidator.prototype.getValidationRuleByKey = function(ruleKey) {
var rule;
//TODO: this swich case should be looked up from an object literal
switch (ruleKey) {
case 'isEmail' : rule = this.validator.is.email; break;
case 'isNotOnlySpace' : rule = this.validator.is.notOnlySpace; break;
case 'isNumeric' : rule = this.validator.is.numeric; break;
case 'isDigitAndNonDigit' : rule = this.validator.is.digitAndNonDigit; break;
case 'hasMaxLength' : rule = this.validator.has.maxLength; break;
case 'hasMinLength' : rule = this.validator.has.minLength; break;
case 'hasMaxValue' : rule = this.validator.has.maxValue; break;
case 'hasMinValue' : rule = this.validator.has.minValue; break;
return rule;
* Get rule key and rule options from rule object
* @param {Object} rule rule object whom key is ruleName and value is rule options.
* @return {Object} object which has .key and .options nodes.
tart.FormValidator.prototype.getRuleKeyAndOptions = function(rule) {
var results = [];
//TODO: there should be a smarter way to do this
for (var i in rule) {
results.push({key: i, options: rule[i]});
return results;
* Apply rule and generate result in object literal
* @param {Object} el jQuery object to rule rule object whom key is ruleName and value is rule options.
* @param {Object} rule rule to be applied to el.
* @return {Object} result object which has .success and .item nodes.
tart.FormValidator.prototype.applyRule = function(el, rule) {
var value = this.getElementAttributeToCheck(el);
var keyAndOptionsArray = this.getRuleKeyAndOptions(rule);
var keyAndOptions,
failed = false;
for (var i = 0; i < keyAndOptionsArray.length; i++) {
keyAndOptions = keyAndOptionsArray[i];
key = keyAndOptions.key;
options = keyAndOptions.options;
validationRule = this.getValidationRuleByKey(key);
result = validationRule(value, options.value);
//return on first error
if (!result) {
return {success: result, item: {el: el, text: options.text}};
* Validate given form object with given rules, if any errors occured this.errors array will be populated
* @return {tart.FormValidator} .
tart.FormValidator.prototype.validate = function() {
this.errors = [];
var el,
for (var i in this.rules) {
el = this.getFormElementByName(i);
rule = this.rules[i];
result = this.applyRule(el, rule);
if (!result.success) {
return this;
* Check if validation operation is successful or not by looking at this.errors array
* @return {boolean} validation is successful or not.
tart.FormValidator.prototype.isValid = function() {
if (this.errors.length == 0) {
return true;
else {
return false;
* Get generated errors array which contains element (el) and error text(text)
* @return {Array} errors array.
tart.FormValidator.prototype.getErrors = function() {
return this.errors;
* Validate form on submit
* @param {Function} callback callback function after submit.
tart.FormValidator.prototype.validateOnSubmit = function(callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
var that = this;
this.form.submit(function(e) {
if (!that.isValid()) { //if an error occured
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); //stop other events propagation